Visit Eufaula
Strengthening Our Community and Creating Jobs
The City of Eufaula has embarked on a campaign to promote the growing economic opportunities and increasing cultural interests that make Eufaula's community great.
The City of Eufaula is progressively striving toward economic and community development, working hand in hand with the Chamber of Commerce to reflect a strong pro-business attitude to attract potential investors.
Businesses in Eufaula are driven by the positive economic climate that the city has from year-round tourism. A growing economy, a willing workforce, and great living environment are just some of the reasons to do business in Eufaula, Oklahoma. The opportunities for economic development to suit your business are many, and our goal is to maximize your efforts, expand your opportunities, and provide business resources that are available.
Demographics/Site Selection
Traffic Count ADT 2018 Eufaula, OK
Demographic Profile Eufaula, OK
Psychographic Profile Eufaula, OK
Retail Market Profile Eufaula, OK
Opportunity Analysis Eufaula, OK
University of Oklahoma, Institute for Quality Communities (pages 92-105)
City's GIS Mapping System (Zoning, City Utilities, etc.)
Strong fire protection helps keep the cost of doing business down. The ISO Public Protection Classification is 04/4Y effective June 1, 2020.
Numerous sites are available for development. For assistance and additional information please contact Andrea Oldham, Community Development Director, at 918-689-2534 or
Downtown Business Incentive
The City of Eufaula offers a downtown revitalization grant that helps to partially fund the exterior renovation of businesses. A modest grant can go a long way and is often the catalyst that inspires a property owner to take action on a project.